We waited over a month to get back with our RE after our miscarriage. We’re discussing what our next steps will be, most likely IVF again.
Here are some things that we discussed:
- A possible reason I experienced bleeding in the TWW, was because the embryo attached near a blood vessel.
- My RE said the placenta wasn’t able to attach strong enough to the uterus, which caused it to dislodge, and that’s why my hCG numbers dropped between Monday (Feb 8) and Friday (Feb 12).
- Recurrent miscarriage was on my mind because my mom had a few miscarriages and maybe I have something too? Spending thousands of dollars and then learning I have something that could cause me to miscarry worried me.
- After our meeting, labs were drawn for antiphospholipids, MTHFR, antithrombin, and factor V, to name a few. They took at least 6 vials and then called me the following day to come get 4 more drawn.
- Instead of getting laparoscopic surgery, which could cost thousands of dollars, he suggested we try a depo-lupron shot. It suppresses the pituitary gland, stopping the ovaries from producing estrogen, which suppresses the endo. Endo likes to feed off of the estrogen produced by the ovaries. When I start the shots for the next 3 months, he said I will have menopause like symptoms.
- Doing these two things will help us be ready to start another fresh IVF cycle in July. And hopefully get us more eggs to work with and maybe have a few embryos to freeze.

Moving Forward
Chase and I have done everything that we can to pay for all of our tests and treatments up to this point. We have sold a lot of stuff, including Chase’s beloved motorcycle. Living on “rice and beans” budget for food, and saving everything that we can.
We feel strongly we shouldn’t go into debt in order to pay for this IVF cycle and we can save up a good portion of what we need for our cycle, but unfortunately it still won’t be enough.
We’re going to have a fundraiser to raise the rest of the money that we won’t be able to save up on our own. We created a Go Fund Me to help us raise money to grow our family.

Both Chase and I are very hopeful for our upcoming IVF cycle. Our RE is hopeful too, which just gives us more hope, I mean he’s seen a lot of success, right?!
P.S. Are you needing help paying for IVF? Sign up for my newsletter and get my free printable on “10 ways to pay for IVF.”
P.P.S. Check out this blog post that lists all the supplements I’ve taken.
P.P.P.S. Be sure to check out my Etsy shop!