I’ve compiled all of my favorite fitness and fertility quotes from Instagram. There are lots more I haven’t posted, and may post them in the future.
Favorite Fitness Quotes:

When running or training for a race, it’s always about us being better than what we used to be. It’s improving our times, it’s being stronger, it’s being better overall. AND it’s definitely not comparing ourselves to others.
Last year I lost about 10 pounds and there were weeks that I was up and there were weeks that I was down, but my overall progress was downward. Being consistent in our progress (strength training, running, etc) we will see a change.
Favorite Fertility Quotes:
This is the whole circumference of us that defines if we will progress or not. So many prayers asking to give me strength to make it through the day.
I prayed a lot when it came to my marathon training last year. Praying for safety while I was out running, and to not injure myself.
You know what, my prayers were answered and I am so thankful that they were answered, because I’m here, I’m healthy, and I’m safe.
Chase and I aren’t done trying everything we can to get pregnant. We haven’t failed, but we definitely keep moving forward however God guides and directs our path.
So many people give me their opinions, and unsolicited advice. I worked with a guy, and whenever anyone would give their unsolicited advice to better himself, he would say “Don’t tell me how to live my life.” As you can tell it has stuck with me. BUT, we need to let others live their lives and not be bossy. When they want advice they will come ask for it.
Some days are hard, we could be training for a race, attempting to lose weight, or being patient while waiting for your next fertility treatment to start, you gotta remember that you are important and that you really matter. Isn’t it funny how you always learn more in hindsight?!
That was me this past weekend. I realized last week that I hadn’t cried in over a month (a month, I know)! Then after my final depo-lupron shot I was an emotional mess! I just had to cry and let it all out and move forward, and we’re okay this week. Sometimes a good cry will make all the difference.
I’m linking up with Courtney, Mel and Cynthia for this week’s Friday Five.
P.S. Are you needing help paying for IVF? Sign up for my newsletter and get my free printable on “10 ways to pay for IVF.”
P.P.S. Read about our first NaPro appointment here.
P.P.P.S. Be sure to check out my Etsy shop!