This post pregnant or not, life will move forward was written on my personal blog October 26, 2010. It has been updated 6/3/2024. I have been debating on whether to write this on our blog or not. I have felt like no one can relate to me or even wants to listen to how I …

My journey with Pregnancy after Loss
Pregnancy after loss is no joke. It’s the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Harder than grieving the loss of my son. So I’m sharing my story of finding out I’m pregnant and the feelings I had along the way. I’ve always gotten my period like clockwork. Always. So when I was …

Infertility and the Holidays
Let’s talk infertility and the holidays. There are always going to be parties to attend, family to see. Nieces and Nephews, and new babies. Which means because you’re dealing with infertility or loss, there are always going to be triggers around us. So please remember to take time for yourself. Your mental and physical and …

Infertility and Fall Favorite Recipes
Before we get too far into winter, I wanted to share my fall favorite recipes. These are all favorites from my Pinterest Page. With the seasons changing a lot of time we are reminded of yet another instance where we’re not pregnant. We’ve gone through an entire year with no excited double line on a …

Etsy Faves for Everyone
I’m sharing some of my Etsy faves. I love all things Etsy, I love selling on Etsy and I love buying from other shops on Etsy to support their small business. I’ve compiled a lot of my favorites through lists on my profile on Etsy; Infertility, Pregnancy loss, Christmas Ideas, Fun Baby Items (thinking future …

Guided Meditation/Visualization for Infertility
A few months ago I listened to a podcast episode that talked about how she used a visualization to help move things through her reproductive organs. I thought it was a great idea to put something like that together for myself, I call it the infertility guided meditation/visualization. I wrote it all down for myself. …

Getting pregnant after Pregnancy Loss and Infertility
Getting pregnant after infertility and pregnancy loss is probably the hardest thing I will ever do. At first I had loads of anxiety. Well, after 8 months of trying (because we aren’t doing IVF) my focus is now on actually GETTING pregnant, rather than when I am pregnant. I wanted to share what I’m currently …

PCOS Awareness Month
September is PCOS Awareness Month. While I don’t know a lot about PCOS, because I don’t personally have it. I wanted to share what I do know and hopefully help others understand and be more compassionate to those who are suffering. **Before I get started I did want to mention that I use several affiliate …

Preparing for an unmedicated birth
I’ve shared pregnancy updates on my Instagram page with this current pregnancy. Chase and I have felt good about using midwives and birthing at a birthing center. We had lots of questions at our initial consultation back when I was just 10 weeks. We felt they had birthed enough babies and knew what to do …

Infertility Gift Guide
I’m sharing 8 favorite infertility finds on Etsy. I hope you enjoy them as much as me. This infertility gift guide is great for gifts for someone you know who is going through infertility, or for yourself. **This post contains affiliate links. Which means I receive a small commission on any purchases made through these …