If you’ve been struggling with infertility I’m here to talk you through it and show you my journey, give you tips, and help you process it.
The way I learned to process infertility was through running.

We first started in 2010, after a year of not being able to get pregnant on our own.
- Basic testing with an OB, and found out Chase had male factor and I was “okay.”
- We did 3 unmedicated IUI’s with that OB.
- After those all failed, we spent a few years trying on our own.
- Got encouraged from a friend to seek a reproductive endocrinologist.
- Did more testing with an RE; found out I had low ovarian reserve, and Chase’s sperm were just swimming in circles.
- The RE said our only option would be IVF.
- Switched to another clinic and got insurance that covered up to $5,000 fertility treatments.
- 3 medicated IUI’s with our new clinic.
After all that we still couldn’t get pregnant.
So I kept on running and sharing my story…

In 2016 I ran the Dopey Challenge (with friends) while prepping for our first IVF cycle.

After years of heartache, we had 2 embryos (embabies). We got pregnant, and were told to be cautiously optimistic.Â
In February of 2016, my hCG numbers declined and I was no longer pregnant.Â
We miscarried, or what the clinic terms “chemical pregnancy.”
So we did what any other infertile couple does,
Keep moving forward
We had a plan:
- Three months of Depo-Lupron to suppress my hormones (aka, medicated menopause).
- Save up, and hold a fundraiser.
- Take lots of supplements to help with egg quality.
- Start IVF number 2 in July.

As hopeful as we could be, we still guarded our hearts. Is this next IVF cycle going to end in loss?

As shortly as it began, it also ended. Less eggs, and a day 3 transfer.
Thankfully, in just 3-4 months, we had saved up enough to pay for IVF in Cash!
And it all ended in a failed cycle.

Since our IVF cycle failed, what next?
Become debt free. That was the only goal that we could work towards.
And just like that a miracle happened. We got pregnant spontaneously after being told our only options were; egg donor, embryo adoption, and adoption.
In June of 2017, little Kason made his debut.

We had finally beaten infertility.
If you can relate to my story, I would love for us to connect.
Sign up to stay inspired and motivated with me through my monthly newsletter.
Each month I’ll send you inspiration and motivation to keep you going on your own journey.

I’ll send you phone backgrounds, sneak peaks of my Etsy shop, and activites I did while I was struggling to have a baby.
Just remember that:
Positive things happen even when negative things happen first.