Isn’t everyone scared to be a parent at some point in time? Or is it just me? I hope I’m not alone in my thoughts and feelings. Honestly, I felt, and still sometimes feel like I am going to be the worst parent. I’m a firm believer that if I write down why I’m scared …
Things that are All Things Pineapple
Did you know that Pineapple is considered like the “mascot” for the infertility community? You’re probably wondering why. For starters, in each pineapple there’s a protein called Bromelain. The majority of this protein is found in the core of the pineapple. Bromelain: Acts as an anti-inflammatoryIs considered a blood thinnerAnd it is a great anti-coagulant …
Finally pregnant with our Miracle
After 2,737 days of waiting, praying, crying and anticipating we are finally pregnant with our miracle. If this is in any way a trigger for you, I would advise to skip this post. I will not hold any hard feelings. I am sharing because this blog has been about our journey with trying to get …
The Bigger Picture in a Season of Waiting
The other day while I was driving with Chase I started thinking about the bigger picture. That this whole earth experience is one long waiting game. From the moment we are born we wait to die. I believe that there was a before we came to earth and there is an after once we die. …
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
In the pregnancy and infant loss community there’s a quote most often used by Ronald Regan that says: When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn’t a word to describe …
Disheartening Doctor News
Shortly after learning that our IVF cycle had failed, Chase and I met back with our doctor. He was very sorry that this cycle didn’t work. Unfortunately, he didn’t have good news for us. Here’s briefly what he said: My egg quality sucks There are 5 ways to bring a baby to our family; an …
Second IVF Cycle: Moving Past a Negative (bfn)
The two week wait was pretty long. I don’t think I have ever wanted the time to move faster than those two weeks. Chase was also gone for almost a week of that, so that made the time go by even slower. I tried staying positive and being mindful of what my body was going …
Second IVF Cycle: Embryo Transfer
The days leading up to embryo transfer after egg retrieval from our second IVF cycle, weren’t the best. I decided to work half a day and was the worst idea ever. My body needed to rest and recover, it had just gone through surgery. We got a call from the embryologist telling us our fertilization …
Second IVF Cycle: Injections and Egg Retrieval
From the start, I haven’t been mentally been in this second IVF cycle. Taking each day at a time, rather than dwell what lies ahead. Yes I prayed extra hard that there would be more than 5 follicles retrieved, but that was pretty much the extent of my effort for this cycle. Like last time …
Cheap Meals While Saving for IVF
Chase and I decided we were going to get out of debt, and figured it would take about 9 months. We started by reducing our food budget and finding cheap meals. In order to get out of debt for us we: Reduced our food budget to $100 per month Found lots of cheap meals We …