Shortly after learning that our IVF cycle had failed, Chase and I met back with our doctor. He was very sorry that this cycle didn’t work.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have good news for us.

Here’s briefly what he said:
- My egg quality sucks
- There are 5 ways to bring a baby to our family; an egg donor, embryo adoption, adoption, sperm donor, our own embryos
- The Depo-Lupron shots didn’t work, they had a reverse affect (got 5 instead of the number increasing)
- My egg quality is probably well past its prime based on the number of follicles I had during this cycle
- His recommendation was for us to use an egg donor, adopt embryos, and/or adopt
He basically told me that I would never be a biological mother.
That has been extremely hard for me to process and understand. “Why me?,” “Why can’t I have children?,” is what I keep asking myself and praying about.
Right now, I don’t know what God’s plans are for us, but what I do know is that I still need to have faith, and that He will lead and guide us down the path we need to go.
Growing your family while dealing with infertility can feel very negative. At times it feels so hard to stay positive for everyone when inside feels like breaking.
One thing I’m very grateful for is that I’ve had SO much support these past few weeks. My friends and family have really made an effort with sending texts and tagging me with positive quotes of staying strong and keeping the faith.
That has helped my attitude change along with taking Niacin. Also remembering that I need to have a deeper love and connection with God. Because He is ultimately the one that will help heal mine and Chase’s hearts.
And to leave you with a positive note here’s one of my favorite quotes:

Having a failed IVF cycle doesn’t mean that our journey is over, but for now we hold on to hope as we continue to learn patience and to trust God.
P.S. Are you needing help paying for IVF? Sign up for my newsletter and get my free printable on “10 ways to pay for IVF.”
P.P.S. Read about egg retrieval and embryo transfer as well as our big fat negative.
P.P.P.P.S. Be sure to check out my Etsy shop!