I ran this race last year and aside from the massive hills I loved it! I was hoping with more training, it wasn’t going to be too bad this year. Then I got an email from the race directors who said they changed courses and it will be fast and flat! Woo Woo!
So I signed up back in April and I was so excited to run the 10k! I have never done a speedy training plan. I had to really search and decide what I wanted to do.
I hurt my knee back in February, shortly after I miscarried, when I stepped off a ladder and twisted my knee. It didn’t affect me from walking so I didn’t see a need to go see my chiropractor.
When I started my training for the 10k, in April, my knee only hurt after I ran, never during. After a few visits at my chiropractors office, he thought it was something to do with a tendon, and would probably take longer to heal. At first he didn’t want me to run, but after a few visits he said I could run, but to take it easy.
My “taking it easy” turned into not running or doing any physical activity. I got really depressed (depo-lupron). I could tell something wasn’t right in my mind, because I wasn’t acting like myself. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch TV. I finally got on a vitamin called Niacin.
Once I started mentally feeling better I decided I needed to incorporate strength training back into my exercise, by going to Barre. I recognized that I felt good afterwards, which gave me hope.
Race Week
The week of the race comes and Saturday (May 28) I run a relaxing few miles. I only made it to 1.8 miles before my knee was sore. After that run I felt I shouldn’t run the 10k, so I switched to running the 5k.
I told my running friend, Alli, that I would only run it with her if she stayed with me. Because I needed that friend support, and we hardly go running together.
Alli and I started at a fairly good slowish pace (my watch hadn’t gotten satellite signal yet) and I could still talk. Then she found a friend from a previous ward, and we ran the rest of the race with her. I felt really great and started pushing it.
We finished the race in 29:37ish and started a few minutes after the gun went off. So that’s the time I think I ran… My actual clock time was 32:37.
Overall it was a FUN race. MUCH better than last year.
Will I run this race again – yes! It is a fun tradition! Just no more injuries please.
Running with friends, Possible PR – hello flat course, Great Food at the end of the race, Lots of people to run with.
Lots of people which took us a few minutes to cross the starting line, No race results because it was a free race.
P.S. Are you needing help paying for IVF? Sign up for my newsletter and get my free printable on “10 ways to pay for IVF.”
P.P.S. Read some low impact exercises to do during fertility treatments.
P.P.P.P.S. Be sure to check out my Etsy shop!