mental health and infertility

Mental health and Infertility

Mental health problems are real, and they can affect even the best marriage. Because mental health issues aren’t the norm to talk about I chose to not talk to anyone about what happened in mine and Chase’s marriage. I was ashamed for how bad my mental health got, and I don’t want anyone to ever …

paid for ivf

What We Paid for IVF

I’m sharing what we paid for IVF cycles #1 and #2. This is the cost breakdown of both our IVF cycles. The main reason for sharing what we personally paid is I’ve had many people tell me that I should “just adopt,” and this is to show that infertility is expensive. Our out of pocket …

fear of the unknown blog post

Fear of the Unknown

With it being Halloween I thought it would be fun fitting to talk about fear. I’ve mentioned being afraid to be a mom. I’m asking 4 questions in regards to our fear. What are you afraid of? What are some things in life that have scared you to the point you stood still? Are you …