It’s April, and National Infertility Awareness Week is in a couple weeks. I thought it would be fun to list a few of my favorite Etsy Infertility Shops. I love supporting my girls who are trying to fund their IVF or adoption journey. Are there any infertility awareness shops you love? I’d love to hear …
Things that are Challenges are Challenges
Did you know that each and every one of us has different trials or challenges. No two challenges are the same. God has given us the opportunity to have our own unique challenges. Yes infertility is a challenge. Since each of us are all different, even our infertility challenges are different. How we overcome these …
Hiking in Utah: Kyhv Peak Trail (Squaw Peak)
Chase and I attempted hiking squaw peak after me not being able to be active for over a month. It was SO hard for me to be inactive for that month. I didn’t want to sit around all day and had seen someone on Instagram post about hiking Squaw Peak, and Chase agreed to hike …
My Thoughts on Endometriosis
Sharing my thoughts on Endometriosis. The silent disease. While we were going through infertility in the back of my mind I knew there had to be something else preventing us from getting pregnant. While taking a pathophysiology class in college I learned about endometriosis. I was pretty sure I had it based on how painful …
Mental health and Infertility
Mental health problems are real, and they can affect even the best marriage. Because mental health issues aren’t the norm to talk about I chose to not talk to anyone about what happened in mine and Chase’s marriage. I was ashamed for how bad my mental health got, and I don’t want anyone to ever …
10 things about our natural BFP
Here’s 10 things that we were doing when we got our natural BFP (big fat positive). With getting pregnant naturally with an endometriosis, low ovarian reserve and male factor diagnosis: 3 months (April, May, June) of Depo-Lupron shots. Aka, medicated menopause for suspected endometriosis. I had been taking this list of supplements for several months …
My Top 10 Tips to Pay for IVF
So you were told that you are starting IVF, and the clinic tells you how much it’s going to cost. You are probably thinking “how am I going to pay for this?” Well I’m sharing my top 10 tips to help pay for IVF. Top 10 Tips to pay for IVF: Look at your finances, …
Hiking in Utah: Payson Grotto Falls
You can get to Payson Grotto Falls by getting off on one of the Payson exits. The trail is close to the beginning part of the Mountain Nebo Loop. There’s a turn that you come around and can see a sign off on the left. The trail is only about a half mile round trip. …
How to Keep the Spark Alive During Infertility
Our marriage relationships with our spouses can suffer while going through infertility. We get stressed out because of finances, because another co-worker got pregnant, a family member got pregnant, and the list can go on and on. Because of that stress, our relationships can suffer. I’m giving you 5 tips on how to keep the …
Infertility and Having a Thankful Heart
With thanksgiving coming up I wanted to write a little about going through infertility and having a thankful heart. When going through a trial, like infertility, it’s hard to have a thankful heart. It can be so challenging to find something to be thankful for when all you want is to become a mom or …